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公主嫁到 | Can’t Buy Me Love

4 Oct
Can't Buy Me Love

TVB drama


  1. Charmaine Sheh
  2. Moses Chan
  3. Linda Chung
  4. Wong Ho Yin
  5. Fala Chen
  6. Ma Kwok Ming
  7. Kwan Kuk Ying
  8. Lee Heung Kam

Executive Producer: Mui Siu Ching


  1. Kwan Chung Ling
  2. Leung Man WahYang

TVB facts: Highest audience ratings in year 2010.


刁蠻任性的昭陽公主(佘詩曼) 為避嫁吐蕃急招駙馬,一代金店掌舵人丁來喜(關菊英) 主動送上門,因二兒子金多祿(陳豪)及三兒子金多壽(黃浩然)均屬單身,希望藉此解決金店面臨的財困危機。兄弟情深,多祿為救家業,主動答應親事。誰料公主過門後盡顯驕橫跋扈本色,要求金家上下向她行君臣之禮,金家至高的精神領袖金太夫人(李香琴)也難逃一劫,公主的心腹侍婢司徒銀屏(陳法拉)更不可一世,尊卑不分,連官媒丁有維(馬國明)也不放眼內;金家各人不甘受屈,合力反抗,但金家出名的大力丫環吳四德(鍾嘉欣)卻倒戈相向,與公主站在同一陣線。公主鬥駙馬,三合三離,各施各法,最後更鬧上皇宮,要由太宗親自平息風波……娶得皇帝女,當然想夫憑妻貴;但娶著這位野蠻公主,又豈能百忍成金?

Reluctant to marry into the Tibetan royal family, the willful Princess CHIU YEUNG (Charmaine Sheh) has to find herself a husband as soon as possible.  Owner of a gold store TING LOI-HEI (Kwan Kuk Ying) recommends her second and third sons, KAM DOR-LUK (Moses Chan) and KAM DOR-SHAU (Wong Ho Yin) to the Princess, hoping that the royal marriage would bring them out of financial crisis and save their family business somehow.  Not wanting his brother to sacrifice for the family, LUK offers to marry the Princess himself.  Shortly after the marriage, YEUNG begins to show her true self.  She needs the KAMs to treat and respect her as a distinguished princess instead of a family member.  Even the spiritual leader of the family Granny KAM (Lee Heung Kam) is not spared.  YEUNG’s handmaiden SZETO NGAN-PING (Fala Chen) is a haughty young woman who has no regard for anyone, not even the government matchmaker TING YAU-WAI (Ma Kwok Ming).  The KAMs cannot put up with YEUNG any more and decide to fight back together.  But to everyone’s surprise, NG SZ-TAK (Linda Chung), the most vigorous maid of the family takes YEUNG’s side and goes against the KAMs.  After bickering back and forth, LUK and YEUNG are about to break up for the third time.  The matter is drawn to the attention of the royal family and finally settled by Emperor TAIZONG…  Marrying the Princess is supposed to bring LUK wealth and honor, but all that glitters is not always gold, especially when the bride is such a self-willed shrew…
